Web Design

String Concatenated

08/10/2009 02:09
  <html> <head> <title>String Concatenated</title> </head> <body> <!Write a javascript program for string concatenated> <! Roll no=01> <h1 align="center">Working with string</h1> <hr> <script language="javascript"> var...

Addition javaScript

08/10/2009 02:08
<html> <body> <!Write javascript program to enter any number and print the number using prompt> <! Roll no=8> <script language="javascript" > var num1,num2,total; num1=parseInt(prompt("Enter number1","")); num2=parseInt(prompt("Enter...


08/10/2009 02:07
<% @  language="vbscript" %> <%' Roll no=1 %> <html> <body> <% session("Username")="xyz" session("Age")=21 session("Habit")="Reading" %>  <% Response.write("UserName="&session("username")) ...

Name Display2

08/10/2009 02:07
  <%@ language="vbscript" %> <% Option Explicit %> <%  dim nmarr(3),i  nmarr(0)=Request("name1")  nmarr(1)=Request("name2")  nmarr(2)=Request("name3")  nmarr(3)=Request("name4") %> <html> <body> Personal Information <br> Name: <%...

Form processing

08/10/2009 02:05
  <html> <head> <title>Form processing</title> <script language="JavaScript"> function func1() { var cnt1,cnt2; cnt1=0; cnt2=0; alert("welcome") if(document.myform1.text1.value=="")  { alert("Username field cannot be...

Name Display

08/10/2009 02:05
  <%@ language="vbscript" %> <% Option Explicit %> <%  dim nmarr(3),i  nmarr(0)=Request("name1")  nmarr(1)=Request("name2")  nmarr(2)=Request("name3")  nmarr(3)=Request("name4") %> <html> <body> Personal Information <br> Name: <%...

Simple ADO Query

08/10/2009 02:04
  <%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %> <%  Option Explicit  %> <HTML>     <HEAD>         <TITLE>Simple ADO Query</TITLE>     </HEAD>     <BODY > <% Dim...

Background colors and status bar message

08/10/2009 01:59
<html> <head> <title>Background colors and status bar message</title> <script language="javascript"> function func1() { document.bgColor="#FF0000" window.status="Red color" } function func2() { document.bgcolor="#00FF00" window.status="Green...


08/10/2009 01:58
<html> <head> <title>CUBE OF THE PROGRAM</title> </head> <body> <!Write javascript program to enter number and find its cube> <! Roll no=15> <font color="red" size=3> <script language="javascript"> var...


08/10/2009 01:58
  <html> <head> <title>calender</title> </head> <body> <table> <caption>octember</caption> <table> <tr> <th>Sunday <th>Monday <th>Tuesday <th>Wedenday <th>Thurseday <th>Friday <th>Saterda
1 | 2 >>

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