To generate Exception

23/11/2009 17:19
/******************************************************************* Program name:Write a java program to generate exception Roll no:16 *******************************************************************/ import java.lang.*; import java.lang.Exception; class MyException extends...


23/11/2009 17:18
  class Area { void area(int i) { int a=i*i; System.out.println("Area of square is:"+a); } void area(int i,int j) { int a2=i*j; System.out.println("Area of rectangle is:"+a2); } void area(float r) { double a3=3.14*r*r; System.out.println("Area of circle is:"+a3); } } class Over { public static...


23/11/2009 17:18
  /******************************************************************* Program name:Write a java program to multilevel with hybrid                    inheritance Roll...


23/11/2009 17:18
/******************************************************************* Program name:Write a java program to demonstrating throws Roll no:12 *******************************************************************/ import*; class Program2 { public static void main(String...


23/11/2009 17:17
/******************************************************************* Program name:Write a java program to demonstrating throws Roll no:12 *******************************************************************/ class Demothrows { static void throwmeth()throws...

Thread Priority

23/11/2009 17:16
  class Demo implements Runnable { int i=0; Thread t; private volatile boolean running=true; public Demo(int p) { t=new Thread(this); t.setPriority(p); } public void run() { while(running) i++; } public void stop() { running=false; } public void start() { t.start(); } } class...
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